Allow facial treatment in Scotland

In full PPE, with half an hour air exchange between clients & full room clean, clients contacted re. covid questions & temp checked,, ratio of one to one, we offer a very high standard of hygiene (even above the standard I have witnessed in NHS hospital, minor injuries unit) opening up the facial sector of our industry could save many salon/ clinics from going under / having to lose staff.
Idea : have a realistic time restriction on how long a client could have a mask off.
I offer facials from 1 hour - 2 hours. Even if it was one hour (bearing in mind our PPE, room ventilation, with airpurifiers &/ windows open)
If the other 3 nations have not had cases traced back to our industries establishments, then what is holding Scotland back?

Why the contribution is important

Save our industry from closing & our therapists from losing their jobs, without compromising the safety of our clients & ourselves.

by jillinclover on October 09, 2020 at 08:37AM

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