Allow much greater visiting in care homes

Families must be able to visit relatives in care homes with as close to normal frequency and normal interactions as possible.

Why the contribution is important

The way our elderly in care homes are being isolated is appalling - yes, it might extend their lives a little, but it is making those last months an utter hell, as they are left alone, and, in the case of those too confused to understand the situation, wondering why their families have abandoned them. This is utterly unacceptable.

It will also hasten their deaths from other causes, and those who survive may not recognise their relatives by the time we come out of this pandemic, which is an unbearable thought.

In an effort to stave off death at all costs, we are depriving people of any possibility of a death surrounded by loved ones, as all would wish.

by gmb on October 05, 2020 at 07:40PM

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  • Posted by Jackie October 05, 2020 at 20:29

    This is the most important idea on this agenda! It seriously must be implemented as safely as possible. If carers are being tested regularly why can’t we also test relatives who want to visit. Hospitals and prisons allowing visits so why not care homes? With correct PPE and testing this should be made possible for relatives of residents who are suffering such cruel separation from loved ones
  • Posted by Morrisc0502 October 05, 2020 at 20:43

    The Government must do everything they can to protect the vulnerable and high risk groups. Especially in care homes. I agree the government did the right thing during lockdown. As are Scottish hospitals who are restricting visiting to end of life care. The risk to this group is massive and we need to take our responsibility’s seriously in guarding their well-being
  • Posted by Kas October 05, 2020 at 20:53

    I disagree that we should open up care homes. We cannot increase footfall in these areas. We still need to have restrictions. Increase admin support so there can be regular phone calls, gazebos/for short outdoor visits. I am sure residents would like to be outside for a short period of time too
  • Posted by Dsel October 05, 2020 at 21:18

    Test 2 designated visitors and allow them in to see their loved ones.

    The impact to dementia residents is non reversible. They need touch and love from faces they recognise.
  • Posted by MooritCheviot October 08, 2020 at 21:14

    Agree. Which if us would want to live a year or two longer (be realistic, that's what we're talking about!) but spend our final two years in solitary confinement? At a stage in life when our ONLY likely 'reason for staying alive' is to spend time with our nearest and dearest? Even WITHOUT dementia.
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