Better analysis and comparison of numbers

The controls and regulations being set appear to be from conclusions made from the analysis of the data collected. However the data analysis is very basic (excel) and there is very limited information and presentation of analysis.

In this digital age, there is many software packages that can be purchased and used to collect the data and analyse in an almost unlimited way to give the users of the information the best most accurate data in order to make such important decisions for our nation.

As we have seen from England's latest reporting Excel is not error free. Surely checks should have been put in place to catch errors of such important statistics? Does the Scottish Excel model have such checks?

Can the data be expanded? By issuing out lone figures and cumulative numbers it must be difficult for those making the tough decisions to understand that numbers.

In the reported Covid deaths, what were the other comorbidities?
Is each reported death from a positive test or a suspected test?
In the case reporting, how many cases are symptomatic? (see Spain who are now reporting only Symptomatic positive results)
Can the data be compared to total deaths and prior year deaths and causes of death?

Individuals are completing this analysis independently and it should be the Government issuing out the best and most informative info, not leaving it up to random individuals to do a better job.

Knowledge is power, by reporting the best stats and analysis using the best software available on the market (rather than an old tool which is open to error) more confidence in the numbers will be beneficial to all.

I was actually shocked to see how basic the information collection and reporting was. For such an important subject it should all be state of the art.

Why the contribution is important

Knowledge is power, by reporting the best stats and analysis using the best software available on the market (rather than an old tool which is open to error) more confidence in the numbers will be beneficial to all.

by letsfixthis on October 06, 2020 at 11:28AM

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  • Posted by tcchambers04 October 06, 2020 at 14:47

    Inaccurate information is creating a culture of fear and doing untold damage to the mental health of individuals.

    Provide accurate and FACTual information, not data manipulated for the role of justifying restrictions that won't change the impact. Stating the numbers who are in hospital with COVID is pointless, as some are asymptomatic and in hospital for many other reasons. Also stating deaths with COVID is also pointless as most pass away with comorbidities and would sadly have passed away anyway. Give actual numbers for those who passed solely because of COVID as this is a better way to help educate and inform.

    Only by having accurate information that can be used to inform and educate can any Government make progress and ensure that the majority of the public trust in what is being said (Scottish Government already caught publishing inaccurate data about hospitals and took too long to correct).
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