Better guidance on ventilation
The virus is spread in badly ventilated areas where people congregate.
Strict guidance has been issued on distancing and numbers in groups but no clear guidance on how spread could be mitigsted by, for example, ensuring windows open on facing walls to ensure throughdraught.
This should be part of the mix of criteria to allow venues to open safely.
It could also for example be possible to allow two households to mix indoors provided a certain amount of ventilation on top of distancing.
Strict guidance has been issued on distancing and numbers in groups but no clear guidance on how spread could be mitigsted by, for example, ensuring windows open on facing walls to ensure throughdraught.
This should be part of the mix of criteria to allow venues to open safely.
It could also for example be possible to allow two households to mix indoors provided a certain amount of ventilation on top of distancing.
Why the contribution is important
If this was done better, we may be able to allow greater opening of some venues, reinstitute limited household mixing as weather gets colder, and lessen the social/economic impact of the virus
by bill2020 on October 07, 2020 at 01:58PM
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