Bring Quarantine Case Thresholds in line with Domestic Thresholds

The UK and Scottish governments state publicly that the threshold for a foreign country to be brought onto the quarantine list is 20 cases per 100,000 people. There are areas of Scotland with far more cases per 100,000 than this. The inconsistencies make the quarantine seem like a political move and therefore this is likely to lower compliance (at the moment compliance is essentially unenforced anyway). If the level at which countries were brought onto the list was brought in line with Domestic thresholds then there is likely to be greater compliance and Scottish tourism would also be likely to benefit.

Additionally, if a measure is not enforced - why is it in place?

Why the contribution is important

Surely we have moved on from trying to pin blame for things on foreigners!

by slimbofat on October 07, 2020 at 11:42AM

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