Bubble up with another 2 households

Many would like to hug their parents. Bubbles could be introduced where it is permitted to drop the 2 metres rule by selecting another household (or 2) to be in your bubble. If there is some freedom by allowing perhaps 2 chosen households then perhaps people would ensure that they would be even more careful outside of their bubbles. I feel it is safer to meet my parents in my own clean, ventilated home where we distance safely, than it is in a busy cafe or bar. My parents can't sit outside for long and so it's not quality time or healthy for them going into winter.
Alternatively, routine weekly testing for all frontline staff including childcare, teachers/early years staff would be reassuring.

Why the contribution is important

Metal wellbeing will be improved for all but specifically older generation.
Everybody needs hugs...but this could be a good balance that still controls the virus but also allows some physcial contact between families to start again whilst still being cautious outwith chosen households.
Demonstrates a trust in the public, not everybody is resistant.

by Claire_leo on October 11, 2020 at 07:00PM

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