Building trust with how we use your information

In your opinion, what can we do to strike the right balance between making use of information to help manage the pandemic and protecting people’s privacy?

Why the contribution is important

The Scottish Government has committed to engaging with the public and is interested to hear your thoughts on this topic.

by ScottishGovernment on October 05, 2020 at 08:59AM

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Based on: 3 votes


  • Posted by Notoltn October 05, 2020 at 23:08

    How have you shown this?
  • Posted by APragmatist October 10, 2020 at 16:35

     In the previous dialogue I commented on need for SG to be more open and transparent with data. This has improved but with some of the major changes the data has only been provided AFTER changes, ie to justify them. It has not been provided beforehand and that means no proper consultation with public or parliament can take place.
    This consultation is welcome but there is no evidence that the previous dialogue had any influence over decision making.
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