Children’s Education

Permit outdoor education out with actual school grounds ie cycling, canoeing, hill walking, trail walking, shelter building. Outdoor instructors who work alongside Education/Schools, should be key to engaging young people with the health benefits of outdoor activities. This is not a proposal for residential activities but a suggestion for activities out with the school grounds as part of daily curriculum, where deemed necessary by individual schools for individual young people.

Why the contribution is important

The benefits to physical and emotional health as well as minimising risks of COVID-19 with being outdoors.

by Sedkar on October 06, 2020 at 12:15PM

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  • Posted by Whittijo October 11, 2020 at 16:55

    If outdoor transmission rates are lower and children are at a lower risk, this makes perfect sense. The outdoor teachers are no different to the indoor teachers - same rules apply.
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