Children's Sport should be exempt from COVID Restrictions

that children and their ability to play sport should be exempt from any covid restrictions in particular travel between health boards

Action was taken in Wales following a petition, my own petition has now started and is growing,

Why the contribution is important

Because children should not be suffering, sport for obvious reasons is important. Social interaction even more so.

Example : children in Fife, who play sport for a club based in Edinburgh, can no longer play or train wiyh their club, it is not fair

I have tweeted Jason Leitch daily, I have email Jason Leitch but no response.

by Swillox on October 11, 2020 at 03:07PM

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  • Posted by Claire82 October 11, 2020 at 15:22

    Totally agree with this my son lives in Glasgow and plays football in Lanarkshire, he can’t go to his training or games at the minute even though there are kids in his class at school and in the same team who can! They sit in a classroom all day indoors together but can’t play football outdoors together!! It’s madness
  • Posted by RhonaW October 11, 2020 at 16:02

    Totally agree with this. So many kids affected and can’t train or play football with their team. The mental health and well-being of children at this time should be paramount. If they are able to sit together inside a school with no social distancing they should be allowed to play outdoors in the fresh air where the risks are low, regardless of health board area.
  • Posted by BrianN October 11, 2020 at 16:40

    Can’t believe they stopped fixtures on Mental Health Awareness Day.
    Surely if kids can sit together in school they can play outdoors.
    How many kids will stop playing because of this and then we’ll have an even bigger child obesity problem
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