Civic responsibility

Environments matter to all of us. Little effort is required to dispose of rubbish responsibly in public places, urban or rural, footpath or playground. There are many places in the world where people of all ages simply do not behave as many do here. Maybe we should show appreciation for our place on the planet
by being more conscious of the impact of our behaviour. There's nothing clever about refusing to wear a mask and those who don't should be asked to show a valid exemption certificate or refused service. This can be done politely and need not invite abuse.

Why the contribution is important

The ability to behave in ways that are in the interest of the greater good, and an easier time for all of us that would follow from that, will help make this difficult period for our species a bit more bearable. Above all it costs nothing and would leave vital resources of other people's time and money free to be used where needed.

by LynnSusan on October 05, 2020 at 07:25PM

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