Data recording and testing

Please look at the way in which we record Covid data, particularly hospital admissions/ care and death.

Hospital admissions should only relate to those admitted due to Covid, not because they happen to have a positive test on admission, or catch it in hospital. Again people in hospital should only relate to those who are actively being treated for Covid. Similar for deaths.

In addition we need to urgently look at our testing mechanism. Jason Leitch himself said the current test is “a bit rubbish”. And has no way of telling between active and old virus. Perhaps we should set a threshold for a positive test? After all low viral loads are unlikely to be spreaders. Our false negatives are making the case numbers far more than they are.

Why the contribution is important

We need to give the population the true picture so they can judge their own risk. I think we’d also find if measurements were changed the picture would not look so bleak.

People should not be made to live in fear of something that 99% plus of people will barely be impacted. (Far worse impact from the restrictions which are now way from proportionate!). Fear and stress impact our immune systems, we should be encouraging people to be fit and healthy rather than scaremongering based on stats that are ineffective and testing that can not tell live or old virus.

by Coco12 on October 07, 2020 at 07:52AM

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  • Posted by FreeToChoose October 07, 2020 at 21:15

    Using case numbers from the current testing regime is an extremely lazy way to inform mitigation strategies. Besides the high rate of false positives which you get without a confirmatory test, the lack of context regarding each case makes the whole endeavour almost meaningless. A positive case from an asymptomatic 20 year old instructed to get a test by contact tracers is not the same as a hospitalised 80 year old testing positive.
  • Posted by SuzieC October 11, 2020 at 20:36

    I am deeply concerned with data being reported. Several inconsistencies have already been identified. There is no transparency if a person, say 85 years old, dies due to covid or just testing positive. The number of PCR amplification cycles is another concern, many healthy people with dead or fragments of SAR CV2 are being isolated for a result which is clinically insignificant.
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