Dental appointments

To reinstate dentists to be allowed to undertake routine dental appointments

I'm able to get facial waxing done at the beauticians with both of us wearing masks so I don't see why I can't wear a mask to the dentist and pull it down for a check up? The dentist themselves would obviously have a mask on too

Why the contribution is important

It's important to look after your dental hygiene even in a global pandemic. There wouldn't be any pressure on hospitals for this as its done at your local dental surgery.

All these health issues cannot be ignored just because we are going through a global pandemic - we have to be able to still get access to certain services.

by Silversparkles84 on October 06, 2020 at 08:36AM

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  • Posted by Linzpinz October 06, 2020 at 09:41

    Totally agree. There seems to be an imbalance between the risks of a mask-wearing dentist passing on the virus and the implications of long term poor dental health. Patient's temperatures could be taken on entering, as is done in other establishments.
  • Posted by Rcbccca October 07, 2020 at 00:50

    I am concerned about my gum health and usually have my teeth scaled every 3 months. I have a retainer fixed to my bottom teeth which requires a proper clean and now months over due. Also, my dad had many teeth removed in March and was due a set of teeth, which just needed tweaked before the lockdown. He’s still without these teeth having many removed for them to go in.
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