Encourage social cohesion - discourage judgement and snooping

Avoid all rhetoric that encourages people to judge their fellow citizens on how well they perceive them to be adhering to the rules, and that encourages a culture of "snitching".

Instead, encourage a culture of understanding towards the difficulties many may be having that we don't know about.

Why the contribution is important

The First Minister has spoken about us "sticking together", and indeed that is essential to get through a crisis like this. However, sadly much rhetoric in the media, and from the government, is instead very divisive, stoking suspicion and ill-feeling. This is highly dangerous - it will lead to less compliance in the end, and, just as importantly, breaks down the concern for each other that is more necessary than ever. We need to come out of this with a functional society!

by gmb on October 05, 2020 at 07:34PM

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  • Posted by LAS October 05, 2020 at 19:55

    I agree with this. Also, I feel in my community there is an assumption that if you get the virus it’s because you’ve broken rules but everyone should be clear that we cannot live a life that is 100% safe from this virus. There should be no stigma attached if you unfortunately come into contact with it. All we can do is try our best to take precautions where we can.
  • Posted by Avocado October 05, 2020 at 20:02

    I agree. It doesn’t encourage people to get tested threatening constant lockdowns and threatening the judgement of your peers. The quarantine time for people with symptoms but no positive test is too long also, if you are unable to get a test this won’t encourage isolation.
  • Posted by Lornab13 October 05, 2020 at 21:22

    The problem with this report your neighbours idea is that it transfers responsibility from the government to the population & encourages The blame culture. This is not conducive to a united fight against the virus & will only lead to more problems. Everyone should be encouraged to focus on their own actions & what are they doing to prevent spread of this
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