Extend marriage notice form period

Currently marriage notice forms are only valid for 3 months.

With the uncertainty around wedding numbers and receptions couples often need to make last minute decisions about postponing their special day. However the marriage notice form 3 month rule means couples are forced to decide 3 months ahead where there is a chance it might be ok nearer the time. Either that or loose £455 deposit paid to the registry office.

Marriage notice period should be extended from 3 months to 6 months validity for example like MOT certificates have been.

Why the contribution is important

Extending marriage notice from 3 months to 6 months will allow couples more choice and flexibility when the guidelines, restrictions and numbers change so much couples can hang onto nearer the time before making final decisions on going ahead or postponing

by FayeJT on October 05, 2020 at 10:58PM

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  • Posted by LS7 October 06, 2020 at 12:19

    Allow wedding ceremonies so couples can be together and feel a bit more normal and allow people that because cultural/personal beliefs people need to be marry to be able to live together
    Limit if necessary the number of people or hours of the reception in covid safe venues but allow the ceremonies
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