Extended furlough for Shielding

I have to go back to work at the start of November as furlough has ended. I have cystic fibrosis and have had a heart and lung transplant so am very high risk. I have two part time customer facing jobs. I was told 6 months ago to basically lock myself in the house and now, with cases just as high, I’m expected to go back to work. I think an extended furlough scheme should be organised for shielding people as we are still at very high risk.

Why the contribution is important

It will continue to protect those in the vulnerable category that, at the moment, are faced with going back to work when the virus is still very much among us.

by rblack1982 on October 05, 2020 at 08:25PM

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  • Posted by mstirner October 05, 2020 at 20:51

    If we could move to a model where those not-at-risk could go back to being productive members of society, I would feel confident extending furlough support for those who need it, until the situation becomes safer.

    Universal lockdowns and mass-furloughs like we've seen this year are not at all sustainable.

    We really need a targeted approach.

    I can't imagine anyone begrudging the government supporting those who truly need it during a precarious period like this.
  • Posted by Impala67 October 05, 2020 at 22:40

    Fully agree that the vulnerable should be provided with financial support to continue shielding, where it can be demonstrated that they are unable to work from home. Perhaps allowing a more targeted approach would allow Scotland to be able to offer financial support to those shielding, as it would provide more targeted support rather than this continued threat of a complete lock down for 2 weeks
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