Face masks

Face masks should be worn:
At all times when you are out in the streets walking
Lollipop men and women should wear face masks
People taking children to and from school , after school classes standing outside the gates or in the school grounds face masks should be worn

Additional support for supply chain businesses that are shut down

A clearer message for “Save the NHS” this doesn’t explain what the implications are and it doesn’t relate directly to individuals so people think it’s not relevant

The army or Covid marshalls should be out in place to ensure compliance

Fines should be higher people think they can do what they like and don’t adhere to the rules

Marshall’s should be out in the streets, in shops, shopping centre and restaurants cafes bars etc checking everyone is obeying the rules

In the morning at lunchtimes there should be a high presence of these COVID marshalls ensuring the students attending high schools colleges and universities are wearing face masks a d ensuring social distance plus this would also ensure the shops are adhering to the rules also because at present they are not

There should be clear clarification of what the rules are eg extended family - grandparents if children are being looked after them are the parents allowed in the house to collect them?

People are still having friends over and there should be a phone number people can call if they feel their neighbours are disregarding the rules

Why the contribution is important

Because this will make people realise this is a real real problem and the government are ensuring everyone adheres to the rules and it will make people think twice about not doing as they are told

by Scotland1952 on October 11, 2020 at 06:10PM

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