Face to face appts with doctors

Start answering the phone to us and stop putting on answering machine and see us face to face Instead of trying to diagnose over a phone

Why the contribution is important

Yes . People are getting misdiagnosed and treated for the wrong thing due to this . How do you show a doctors a rash or lump if they won’t see you ?

by Krissy90 on October 06, 2020 at 01:13AM

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  • Posted by imcoop13 October 06, 2020 at 12:45

    I believe GPS should be making home visits during this pandemic.
    Drs are well able to use PPE & other measures to keep safe.
    I went through a bad Covid 19 experience with only phone calls & I won’t even be on the official statistics. I have also been waiting 6 months for a spirometer test to see if I have COPD that’s unacceptable in my opinion.
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