First Time House Buyers & Hospitality

Please do not take any action that would cause people to be furloughed, nor close the construction industry and house builders. Secondly in any future lockdown at least allow drive-thru cafes and takeaways to remain open so that companies can keep some of their staff on and working at least.

Why the contribution is important

This is important because people will be thousands of pounds out of money if they are furloughed and likely loose their house which they have saved up so much to struggle and afford. So much in the news is about extending furlough, but nothing is ever mentioned about the damage that being put on furlough would be to those who are in the processing of buying a house and is just as bad losing your job. This would be devastating financially and equally preventing house builders from working during any lockdown would be damaging to anyone who has a mortgage offer as they are only valid for so long and would cause chaos as well to buyers. A solid balance must be found and public health measures cannot come at the expense of people's financially livelihoods.

by cmh2011 on October 06, 2020 at 06:07PM

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  • Posted by gbsenior October 07, 2020 at 15:27

    I think that house buying and selling should continue to be allowed. People need to feel that life is as normal as possible and that they can still aspire to own a house, move to a bigger/smaller house as their circumstances dictate. This also implies that estate agents, law firms, building societies, and banks shopuld also continue to be able to operate.
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