Focus on hospital capacity

Focusing on the number of cases causes needless fear. There was an acceptance pre lockdown that we could not eradicate the virus, but we could flatten the curve, so hospitals were not overwhelmed. The lockdown could be justified as a necessary stop gap whilst hospital capacity was expanded.

This has now changed to an emphasis on numbers, which is meaningless and panic inducing. I suggest that the data presentation is changed to show Hospital capacity. Restrictions could be then justified if the capacity was reducing sufficiently to create a real risk of ill people not being treated. Until a vaccine comes along, the vulnerable will need to be protected, but we cannot suffer the greater harm of the economy being irrevocably harmed meantime.

Why the contribution is important

We have no clear idea which the public can understand and get behind. ‘Restricting the virus’ is just waffle

by johnwebberfraser on October 06, 2020 at 08:45PM

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  • Posted by JaneM October 07, 2020 at 19:52

    Agree with point re capacity but would also like to see this Data presented alongside the numbers
    - furloughed
    - Unemployed
    - businesss closing down
    - bankruptcies
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