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World leading experts from Oxford, Harvard, and Stanford universities have recently met to review the science on SARS-Cov-2 and come up with a strategy that does the least harm overall (doesn't just focus obsessively on one disease).

They have signed a declaration that has already been signed by hundreds of scientists and doctors which outlines an approach that protects the vulnerable, while allowing the least affected to continue to earn money, gain education, and enjoy a social life, etc.

The public are invited to read the declaration for themselves:

Why the contribution is important

Not only is this approach based on the most recent scientific understanding of the virus, but it considers society on the whole. We are more than just possible agents of infection, we have lives and livelihoods which are being destroyed by clumsy lockdown measures.

The described approach is intended to help us get back to a safe, 'normal' life as soon as possible.

by mstirner on October 05, 2020 at 07:56PM

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