Full Time School
Our children must stay in school full-time and as normal as possible. Parents and teachers that are fearful need to be educated by the Scottish Government about how schools are safe, and how the virus actually affects children. Being out of school has a massive negative impact on children’s mental health, well-being and overall education. If everything else needs to close, schools need to stay open!!
Why the contribution is important
It is important that schools stay open because being in school full-time is imperative to the well-being, mental health and overall education of all students in Scotland. Blended learning of any form will have a negative impact on our children.
by LesaThomp9 on October 05, 2020 at 07:53PM
Posted by alisona October 05, 2020 at 21:22
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Posted by Morrisc0502 October 07, 2020 at 09:38
Child education is an international and domestic legal right
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Posted by Pipkins October 10, 2020 at 14:47
Keeping students out of school was very difficult for parents and children alike but we in the middle of a deadly pandemic which has killed thousands and left even many young people with long-term health problems. Blended/part time learning is an ideal compromise on education and health and should be returned to as soon as possible. There is no protection for teachers in schools, not even the basic safety precaution of mandating mask use. And with the number of cases now in schools, it is quite likely that children will be spreading Covid to vulnerable relatives.
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Posted by EffectiveIdeas October 11, 2020 at 21:03
Not to mention the educational issues, especially for the youngest.
Anyone who is scared, vulnerable or lives with vulnerable people should be given options not to be at school, but schools need to be open for everyone else.
The school closures have already caused plenty of harm and we cannot inflict more of this on children. Let's not forget that this situation can go on for another year or even longer.
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