Gamification and rewarding good behaviours

It's mostly thinking study for other smarter people to figure out ways to;
a) correctly track those who are engaging in good behaviours for covid-19
b) provide incentives to continue those good behaviours.

basic psych, carrot is better than stick, giving people a small reward, a virtual avatar, a cool wallpaper and then delayed gratification for a much larger (maybe even tangible) reward (voucher to spend at place x, discounts at place y)

can go further with general good lifestyle hits, taken recommend steps, drank water, partner with Calm or something for positive mental space.

Why the contribution is important

People currently very much feel they are being punished , often for actions outside their control, let's flip that and have them rewarded for those actions they can control.

by feefer on October 05, 2020 at 04:09PM

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