Guest Limits

Guest limits for weddings and funerals should be a percentage of the venues of where it is taking place to ensure social distancing.

Guests at weddings are also people who are known this would ensure track and trace was completed successfully

Why the contribution is important

I feel this is important because some venues have extremely large capacities. My fiancé and I plan to have an exclusive use wedding where our guests are the only people using the venues facilities. This makes no sense at the current limits. It should be worked out as a percentage of the maximum capacity of the venue itself.
Venues should be declaring thier maximums for fire safety and be aloud a percentage of that number.

If a guest at a wedding/funeral were to have COVID-19 it would be extremely easy to track and trace the people who attended. As the bride and groom will have all their details.

by daniellebartlet on October 05, 2020 at 10:41PM

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  • Posted by Ideas81 October 06, 2020 at 09:32

    Increase numbers for funerals where venue size allows however weddings are in no way essential. If someone wants to get married it doesn’t need guests to be present
  • Posted by daniellebartlet October 07, 2020 at 15:40

    Yes weddings may not be a “priority”although they potentially give a large amount of money to the hospitality sector which is struggling. This would greatly help these sectors.
    On average, weddings would add roughly about £20,000 spent by a couple to the sector on one day. It is very circumstantial, of course and couples will more than likely spend less, but every little helps.
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