Household Bubble

Households can choose 1 other household to bubble with and allow them to visit indoors with social distancing for adults and those over 12 years of age.

There are many who do not wish to visit a pub/coffee shop where there are lots of people about/have to use public transport to get to a hospitality venue.

If people want to change a bubble they need to have 14 days in-between bubbles.

Why the contribution is important

Mental health.
With winter coming in older people don't want to go out so much and htere is a risk of slips trips and falls.
Parents don't always want to take young children out in the cold
Would allow greater adherence to rules
2 households can meet in a pub but they are not always socially distanced....i have asked for a long table in some eating places to ensure 1 m distance and they can't provide it nor are willing to put table together to make the distance.

by snowyowl on October 05, 2020 at 08:37PM

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Based on: 20 votes


  • Posted by EJTK October 05, 2020 at 20:48

    Just said this on a different thread. 7 adult family over 2 households and cannot go out all. Do not want to take baby and toddler out to a public place where I don’t know how clean it is.
  • Posted by Lornab13 October 05, 2020 at 21:00

    This is a poor idea - I have two grown up children & would be forced to choose between then yet can be in a restaurant or pub with 100 strangers
  • Posted by blloughdennell October 05, 2020 at 21:05

    I would feel far safer visiting a chosen bubble household where I know they properly observe social distancing and do not have a steady flow of visitors than I would going to a restaurant to 'meet up'. With a toddler, meeting up in a restaurant is costly, risky, and unnaturally time limited. Visiting the home of a chosen bubble household would allow the adults to meet often, relax, and allow the children to play freely.
  • Posted by Blubber October 05, 2020 at 22:25

    Never ever close household bubbles again! It causes tremendous suffering not being able to be close to special others!!
  • Posted by ydougan October 06, 2020 at 08:39

    I would feel safer meeting family in my home rather than a pub or cafe. At home I know I have cleaned everything thoroughly, have plenty ventilation and make sure those in the house, including visitors adhere to guidelines. No pub or restaurant can convince me that they are as thorough.
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