Isolate the vulnerable

The vulnerable should be put into lockdown with full financial and community support for shopping and emergencies.

The rest of us should be allowed to get back to as normal as possible

Why the contribution is important

Saves lives and supports the economy

by rarnott0001 on October 05, 2020 at 07:51PM

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  • Posted by ShanMack October 05, 2020 at 20:15

    As a vunerable person... yes please to an extent, Leaving people to live as normal if they arent vunerable will still cause levels of covid to rise, but i doubt it will be as fast as current, i've personally take to locking down myself, but it's not easy when you have no support and people laugh when you say you can't make appointments because you're vunerable, with a lockdown for the vunerable, people may actually listen
  • Posted by mstirner October 05, 2020 at 20:25

    Please check out the Great Barrington Declaration

    It's a proposed plan by some of the world's top epidemiologists to do exactly this. A short period to shield the vulnerable, while the rest of us protect them by exposing our immune systems to the virus.
  • Posted by Julie October 08, 2020 at 15:42

    And for just how long would you suggest imprisoning the vulnerable in their own homes? Many have already had months of lockdown and watched while others ignored all the rules which are in place to keep us all safe.

    What about those with health conditions who work and cant do so from home, do they just lose their job?

    Locking up one part of society is not a credible answer to any of this. Most people who are higher risk have been taking their own sensible precautions To avoid busy areas, hospitality etc, that is and should be their choice not an imposition to suit others.

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