Keep us Fit

You must allow us the ability to stay fit, be happy and respect our decision to work as a group. Our gyms were set up so safely, following all social distance guidelines. When we returned to class our moods lifted! Our spirits soared! Allow us this facility and give us our happiness back please! Or you face a society of depression and unhealthy people.

Why the contribution is important

To fight Covid we must be a healthy weight and fit and strong. Coming into the winter months makes it hard to motivate people to get to an outdoor class. Or work on their own in the house. Indoor group fitness is ESSENTIAL- not just wanted. It is VITAL!

by LornaAshe on October 11, 2020 at 02:03PM

Current Rating

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Based on: 13 votes


  • Posted by Maskedupandprotected October 11, 2020 at 18:48

    This is really important for mental health too. The social distancing measures in gyms and fitness studies are much more rigidly adhered to than those in restaurants or pubs because people stay in their exercise spots and aren't moving around to arrive/leave/go to toilets/deliver food and manouvre around each other so tightly between tables.
  • Posted by Crabbiest October 11, 2020 at 19:45

    I came here to add this. In group fitness we have THREE METERS between people. We drink nothing but water which means we maintain the correct distance at all times. How dare you throw us in the bracket where 1m distance applies and alcohol is consumed. And without any evidence too. Your own publication to go with the new rules did not even mention group fitness never mind evidence it. You need to right this wrong asap!
  • Posted by Cmcd2101 October 11, 2020 at 21:35

    Totally agree. There is no evidence at all to suggest group fitness is contributing to the spread. It’s vital for MENTAL and physical health
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