Keeping our Elderly Happy

Care home residents should not be subjected to unnecessary isolation from their families and friends. Surely unlimited access to safe, supervised visits, OUTDOORS and SOCIALLY DISTANCED, should be mainstream. Cosy them up in rugs, scarves and hats in a wheelchair and let them enjoy the outdoors, like the rest of us, with their loved ones. Organised concerts could also be provided outdoors.

If outdoor visits are not possible, families and friends should be encouraged to visit regularly and communicate from outside, through windows or doors, maintaining social distancing.

If protective clothing is deemed necessary for visiting loved ones to wear, it should not be a bulky white space suit- could coloured, fitting, disposable, or washable, suits be worn, to make visits as normal as possible? Perhaps staff would also prefer to wear this.

Why the contribution is important

The most important thing for older people in care homes is regular contact with family and friends and it is bordering on cruelty to deny this. The fresh air and sunlight for vitamin D would also provide a positive health benefit.

Regular contact and social interactions are even more important during the pandemic to reduce fear and confusion in these often vulnerable citizens.

by Suzie on October 07, 2020 at 09:21PM

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  • Posted by MooritCheviot October 08, 2020 at 21:25

    Additional to the last point, most care home residents have had almost zero time out of their home for six months, yet vitamin D supplements don't appear to be offered to them as standard! Why not?

    NHS tells us we ALL need extra vitamin D in our northerly location, especially the elderly's immune systems.

    (I clearly do and I'm younger with red hair and spend hours outdoors..)
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