Key worker status for families of care home residents

Under the current regulations, I can visit my 95 year-old, bedridden father in his care home for 30 minutes once a fortnight. This is because my brother also visits. If all four of my father's children were still here, I would only be able to see him once a month.

Up until lockdown, I visited my father every day and played a vital role in his care.
The essential role of visits and support from family members has been well documented.

When I visited my father yesterday, I watched a tradesman carrying out non-urgent work go in and out of the care home frequently. He basically has more access to the care home than I have.

Why the contribution is important

The negative impact of lockdown and separation from loved ones is being widely documented.

Families of care home residents need to be granted key worker status in recognition of the key role they play in the care of their loved ones.

Families of care home residents need to be granted key worker status to be able to visit their loved ones more regularly.

No more families should have to watch their loved ones die through closed windows.

My father fought on the beaches of Normandy in June 1944 for our freedom. I have watched him deteriorate and fade away through closed windows during lockdown. What must he have been thinking, left on his own for so long. You are not protecting him. You are depriving him of the thing which makes his life meaningful: his family.

by lozan365 on October 09, 2020 at 11:31AM

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  • Posted by mawfred October 11, 2020 at 14:40

    The problem is that passing the virus onto a family member in a care home means putting other residents at risk. Those other residents families might accept that the emotional cost is worth the health benefit. Allowing others to visit takes away the choice to keep other’s relatives safe. It is a terrible dilemma. Care homes should be able to allow outdoor socially distant visits where possible.
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