Learn to live with the virus

Based on the stage we are at and the fact that further restrictions have not helped, we need to now learn to live with this. The economy and the livelihoods of people need to be prioritised. We need to have no further restrictions and get on with our lives. Those who feel they are at risk showed choose whether to isolate. Who is going to cover the financial impact after the end of October? We need to live with this.

Why the contribution is important

It’s the right next step now. There are people who are not adhering to the rules. So open up and let’s get on.

by StephIhoe on October 05, 2020 at 07:23PM

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  • Posted by HappyPumpkin81 October 05, 2020 at 20:21

    I agree. The total lockdown was to give the country time to prepare the NHS and formulate a strategy to move forward. We are now in October, the country is fracturing and the economy is in a nose dive and there does not appear to be a plan to get out of this.
  • Posted by angel October 06, 2020 at 02:40

    The vulnerable can't simply choose to isolate! How would they pay their bills and eat? How would vulnerable children get an education? I would not want to live in a society that doesn't protect the elderly and vulnerable that live within it.
    We also do not know enough about the long term organ damage that this virus causes. There are thousands of previously healthy people that have been suffering with long covid for months.
  • Posted by OhMeGord October 06, 2020 at 13:56

    Agree, we need to learn to live with this virus.
    Long term strategies need to be put in place, not short term temporary fixes that have not worked!
    Shield the vunerable (if they so choose) and provide any assistance where we can.
    Lets get on with it.
  • Posted by patrioT123 October 07, 2020 at 07:01

    I've never heard anything so selfish. If we just up and lifted all restrictions, half the country would get back to no social-distancing, and instantly you'd see deaths up to levels we haven't seen, hundreds of people dying every day in Scotland.

    You also have to consider the knock-on effect > immediately after Scotland does this, English people will demand the same or simply circumvent the rules and then you will see thousands of people die every day there.

    Winter is coming, and as a result notably is this proposal extremely selfish, it's extremely irresponsible.
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