Lockdown Everyone

How long does covid last on surfaces?
Say 2 weeks - can we not lock down everything for 2 weeks. Then have major clean up afterwards.

I understand this could be difficult with regards to medical attention required/funerals etc. But if everything else is kept to a minimum and in devised bubbles - surely 2 weeks would be doable. Get longlife milk, bread, cereals etc. Empty freezers. Ensure homeless are housed with essentials required.

2 week hit on economy, no flights in or out.

I guess this would need to be a worldwide action.

As someone who is extremely vulnerable within shielding category I would be prepared to do it again. Surely its better than an everyone virus?

Why the contribution is important

Stop the virus from spreading further if we are unable to infect others. Keep within homes/bubbles only.

Yes 2 week economy hit, but afterwords we could bounce right back!

Keep everyone including the extremely vulnerable safe. X

by Lollyh7 on October 05, 2020 at 10:02PM

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