Lockdown for people at risk.

Any vulnerable people and people over a certain age with health issues should self isolate. Younger people who are at a lower risk can keep the economy going.
I'm 55 and am on medication that suppresses my immune system so I'm back in self isolation.

Why the contribution is important

It keeps the elder population safer and keeps the economy growing. The R number is over 1 and previously we could not come out of Lockdown because of this yet the R number is higher now than when it was at stages of the Lockdown.
Don't make sense, seems a waste for all the previous hard work.

by landsendsolo on October 06, 2020 at 08:00AM

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  • Posted by GSS October 06, 2020 at 08:18

    Lockdown for elderly does not keep them safe, it may prevent some getting COVID-19 but they are only physically safe. Their mental and emotional health are just as important and can be severely compromised by isolation
  • Posted by MJDuthie October 06, 2020 at 09:05

    I believe the R number is inaccurate, when we are only testing people with symptoms we are going to get disproportionately high results. The same a during the peak we did not have enough test available so the calculation was low. Until the entire population is tested there is not enough data to get accurate figures. Higher risk or people who suspect they have Covid should be responsible for their own isolation like any other illness. The needs of the minority should not be allowed to affect the mental health of the majority.
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