To overcome the some will some won’t mentality, I suggest masks are worn from leaving the door step of your house.
Also some type of hand stamp or recognition band of those who enter pubs/restaurants etc to minimise the repeat visits, that are happening such as the 3 pubs near me all in the same street. tables get booked in one pub they then have another table booked in
the one across the road and then another where the book a table to eat. 3 pubs in one night!!!
Also one way systems to walk in streets. Enforcement of 2 metre distance in queues
Also some type of hand stamp or recognition band of those who enter pubs/restaurants etc to minimise the repeat visits, that are happening such as the 3 pubs near me all in the same street. tables get booked in one pub they then have another table booked in
the one across the road and then another where the book a table to eat. 3 pubs in one night!!!
Also one way systems to walk in streets. Enforcement of 2 metre distance in queues
Why the contribution is important
This would help minimise the spread of infection and limit the amount of contacts made
by ThebanksoftheClyde on October 06, 2020 at 03:21PM
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