Masks and ventilation for all ages

The virus is spread via AEROSOLS. By ALL ages. Why do you pretend that kids don’t spread the virus when there are numerous case studies from other countries? We are not exceptional. Kids are the most likely to display few or no symptoms but are still capable of transmitting the virus as well as adults. Yet there are no protective measures to account for aerial transmission in schools. This is absolute madness.
Put money into ventilation, hepa filtration, normalising mask wearing. Do you even care about teaching staff? Are they expendable as long as the kids are all back in school and not inconvenienced by a piece of cloth on their face?

You also need to expand testing. Regular testing for high risk areas. You can claim to be in control of a virus that is evasive and can be passed on readily through a/presymptomatic spread when you only test ppl w 3 symptoms that don’t always occur.

Until testing and aerosol transmission is more targeted, the virus will rage out of control.

Why the contribution is important

Because it is actually based on science and it saves lives.

by Rkei on October 08, 2020 at 06:49PM

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  • Posted by Pop178 October 10, 2020 at 09:52

    All Schools, including primary schools, need improved ventilation, better cleaning protocols, social distancing in classes and face coverings in all open areas including classrooms if they can't social distance. Why do the Scottish Government think the virus doesn't spread in schools, it does I already know of young children in local ASN school admitted to hospital with covid. Teachers and school staff also need to be provided with appropriate PPE, surely there is a solution for protection of vulnerable teachers at the very least. It's very difficult to teach in a face mask or face covering, alternative need to be found asap.
  • Posted by Pipkins October 10, 2020 at 14:24

    Exactly right. Schools and colleges are only focussing on hand hygiene even though it is now established that the main way Covid is spread is from person to person through the air.

    There are a growing number of studies showing that children do spread Covid, the latest from India. Another from Korea showed that children aged 9 and over transmit Covid as much as adults. I found out about this one by reading an article from Devi Sridhar, who is supposedly advising the Scottish government. So I find it amazing that there is no protection for teachers in schools. And it is a huge worry for many parents (those that keep up to date with the science) that our children will contract Covid, transmit it to us and feel responsible for the consequences.

    As the description states, nothing has been done on ventilation/filtration and I can only presume this is to save money. If the government doesn't think it's worth spending money on these things to protect lives they should at least mandate mask wearing in the classrooms as this would be the most simple and effective measure to limit transmission.
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