Mass testing approach
Implementation of a mass testing regime with frequency dictated by scientific advice.
This could be implemented as follows:
1. Implement mass testing stations in all local authority areas for regular testing (science dictates frequency)
2. All citizens provided with some sort of biometric device like a passport chip which stores data.
3. Mobile testing to be available for those with certain criteria.
4. Divert the workforce currently furloughed into assisting with this. Volunteer personnel could also be used.
5. Those with negative tests can continue as normal positive tests require isolation.
6. Testing is compulsory by law .
This could be implemented as follows:
1. Implement mass testing stations in all local authority areas for regular testing (science dictates frequency)
2. All citizens provided with some sort of biometric device like a passport chip which stores data.
3. Mobile testing to be available for those with certain criteria.
4. Divert the workforce currently furloughed into assisting with this. Volunteer personnel could also be used.
5. Those with negative tests can continue as normal positive tests require isolation.
6. Testing is compulsory by law .
Why the contribution is important
Mass testing would take a while to allow normality to return but once in place and working could allow a more normal society to return.
Emphasis on understanding how long immunity lasts is also critical, more scientific understanding is required for this.
Emphasis on understanding how long immunity lasts is also critical, more scientific understanding is required for this.
by Kbrown6 on October 11, 2020 at 07:14PM
Posted by ammys83 October 11, 2020 at 20:55
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Posted by Bolshygirl October 11, 2020 at 21:29
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