Meeting Indoors

Multiple guidelines have been developed by the government to allow safe re opening of businesses with practical advice as how to keep the public safe. If a guideline was produced for indoor meet ups with more specific information around things like face coverings, hygiene, preparations etc it would be useful for people to follow and assist awkward conversations when there is a disagreement on what is 'safe' between friends and family.
I realise it is difficult to review if taken on board but provides the public who do wish to be sensible some basic information to allow more informed decisions when having indoor guests in the future.

Why the contribution is important

Previously indoor visits did cause confusion at times of what was allowed and not allowed and discussions around this can appear as rude when it's just people's own opinions and perceptions of what is 'correct to do' as this behaviour isn't normal between friends but following a guideline allows the personal opinions not to be the focus.

by MITCHLA395 on October 05, 2020 at 08:18PM

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  • Posted by Lornab13 October 05, 2020 at 21:09

    With winter approaching I think we need a rethink on indoor visits. My elderly father is living alone & faces a winter with no contact from his grandchildren
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