Mental health for expectant Mothers

Relax some restrictions with regards to seeing family members.

Why the contribution is important

Being pregnant- especially with your first- is a very important part of your life, and requires a lot of support not just from your partner, but family as well. I feel that relaxing the restrictions on seeing family members would greatly benefit expectant and new mums mental well-being.

by rebeccacv on October 05, 2020 at 06:55PM

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Based on: 13 votes


  • Posted by mariannemca October 05, 2020 at 19:36

    I feel so strongly re this. I had my 3rd child Aug 2020, had no access to prenatal classes/exercise, had to attend scans on my own (luckily all was fine, however some not as fortunate), and now have limited, if any, baby classes to attend. Family being in an extended bubble just makes sense. Grandparents can watch these children, so surely they should be able to also see the parents, who require their help in watching the children but also in parenting them and reducing anxiety/future mental health issues.
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