More policing.

I go to a local shop, people are acting like before the virus. No one is required to wear a mask or asked, also no limits on how many are allowed in. Bigger supermarkets are adhering to this somewhat as many still allow entry with no mask. However many local business really don’t care. There needs to be a strict policy and policing and shops closed down instantly for flouting rules as the “return to normal attitude” is putting lives at risk. This isn’t one local shop this is every shop I have went into including supermarkets. .

Why the contribution is important

All the hard work is being undone by people not following the rules. No one should be allowed entry anywhere without a mask. There is literally 2 shops next to each other. One shop limits amount of customers inside but does not ask you wear a mask or have hand sanitiser at door and the other lets as many people in as possible also no sanitiser available or asked to wear mask. There needs to be a clear cut line to follow and if they aren’t followed shops should close instantly until they can follow rules.

by LynseyM on October 05, 2020 at 09:03PM

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  • Posted by Lornab13 October 05, 2020 at 21:30

    In Cyprus they check roughly 800-1200 premises every day & publish the number of premises & individuals fined for non compliance
  • Posted by Robert866 October 05, 2020 at 21:39

    The last thing we need is more policing for minor breaches. Large public gatherings should be policed not meeting a family member.
  • Posted by ACCarnall October 05, 2020 at 21:42

    Growing up in this country I was always taught, and believed, that crime equalled punishment. If you did something wrong you would face the consequences, always. The current coronavirus laws cheapen the idea of what a law is. They are completely unenforceable, and impossible to follow correctly all the time in any case. By the official definitions almost everyone in this country is now a criminal, and almost none of us will face punishment. No amount of extra policing is going to fix this, the coronavirus laws are the problem. These laws need to go, or risk poisoning a generation of young people against the government and police, and teaching them that crime does in fact pay.
  • Posted by GillianForHealth October 05, 2020 at 22:19

    If the evidence shows that the virus is spread indoors by someone being in close proximity for 15 minutes or more then this makes no sense. People will not be spreading or catching it by doing a bit of shopping. Let’s look at the evidence please.
  • Posted by Notoltn October 05, 2020 at 22:57

    No way do we need policing for this.
  • Posted by LeiaAvra October 06, 2020 at 06:47

    Keep your distance and stop proposing police laws for this country.
    The only thing that this will do is divide us more.
  • Posted by mac1991 October 06, 2020 at 07:39

    Unscientific, irresponsible, and a costly waste of important police resources.
  • Posted by slimbofat October 07, 2020 at 11:58

    We can't risk losing support for the police for enforcing some of these measures. Officers have a hard enough job already without having to enforce some of the arbitrary measures that have been coming in! Surely we should allow (already short staffed police) to get on with the day job rather than the policing of ordinary citizens (non-criminals)!
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