More protection for retail staff

Retail staff work on the front line mingling with 100's of customers and co workers every day therefore should be allowed to have their phones with them on the shop floor with track & trace enabled. Just recently in my store a staff member tested positive for Covid. Now if that person had their phone on them it would've made tracking and tracing those who were in direct contact with said person more effective. With infections rising especially in Glasgow I think it's imperative that retail staff have all the protection they need to keep us safe and thereby keeping stores open to general public. T

Why the contribution is important

I work in retail and would feel safer in my duties to the public being allowed my phone with the track & trace app on the shop floor.

by GAL53 on October 06, 2020 at 09:45AM

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  • Posted by JaneM October 07, 2020 at 19:37

    Agree this group of staff are exposed to very large numbers of public every day - more should be done to protect them and thank them - they have kept us going with food from day one.
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