October lockdown is not a good idea.

A huge number of people will have planned October breaks or events in this period. 1 weeks notice is not enough time to prevent a huge amount of disruption, loss of income and upset.

My son and his fiancee had to cancel their wedding at end of May and have spent some months organising a small, rule-obiding, event for 24th October. It would be hugely unfair for people like them to upset them again when they have followed the guidelines at all times.

Could more notice be given for a November or early December limited circuit break?

Why the contribution is important

The impending action seems to be designed for maximum disruption and appears to be a control mechanism rather than empathetic with the citizens of this country.

by sarahlrobertson on October 06, 2020 at 11:41AM

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  • Posted by Scottlebusiness October 06, 2020 at 12:18

    It's becoming apparent that the government just doesn't care about people as much as they claim too, still wish all the best, myself and my fiancée are supposed to be getting married next July, praying that either the government grows a backbone of sense or we have a viable treatment of sorts, this madness of lockdown don't lockdown is nonsense, every time I watch a news briefing it might as well be Barry chuckle leading it.
  • Posted by Ideas81 October 07, 2020 at 09:48

    If tougher restrictions are required then do it now while furlough still in place rather than waiting till Nov or dec when the economic impact will be worse
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