Open soft plays to bring us in line with the rest if the UK and save this sector
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I think it is important to open the soft play sector and other associated long- established businesses such as gymbouree etc. This should be in line with the rest of the UK. Given the low risk of covid to children (and parents) the collapse if this whole sector is not proportionate to the risk, particularly given the many health benefit to children of play and exercise.
Why the contribution is important
The government has acknowledged that young children do not tend to transmit the virus, they are rarely the index case and they have a vanishingly low risk of illness. This is the reasoning behind allowing schools and nurseries to open. Therefore there is no logic behind keeping soft plays closed. SP centres have been preparing for months to be safe. For many children, this is their only form of exercise during the winter months and is a relatively cheap activity for low income parents. This sector will not survive and many small business will close forever if not allowed to operate.
by abcdefg1 on October 05, 2020 at 07:48PM
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