Open the economy/Isolate the vulnerable

The economy and normality needs restarted. A care and isolation package for the vulnerable, more extensive and regular testing across the population must be more viable than constantly shutting down businesses?
I own a gym, what evidence do you have for shutting down gym based classes?

Why the contribution is important

Because the whole structure of society will fall apart with 100000 made unemployed. Isolate the vulnerable, give them the care and support they need.

by Jamesbu on October 11, 2020 at 01:14PM

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  • Posted by mcgheejsg October 11, 2020 at 19:01

    I could support the idea of opening up the economy (for younger people) while supporting the elderly and vulnerable. The problem is where these overlap, such as in mixed households of elederly and younger. This needs to be overcome, and that's not always easy, but probaly not impossible with some imagination and funding. Older people would, of course, need to be allowed to make up their own minds about what they want to do. I don't have much support for opening gyms - folk can get plenty of outdoor exercise without needing gyms. Lots of indoor sweaty exertion, no matter what the separation, doesn't feel like a good idea. Sorry gyms.
  • Posted by Jamiebu October 11, 2020 at 21:10

    Have there been any cases linked to gyms.. Or people sweating? I think not. The leisure industry employs 1000s of people.
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