Rapid testing

Rapid testing available (willing to pay) so we can spend time with grandparents - some of us have children with disabilities and special needs. They do not understand social distancing yet miss their grandparents - such grandparents are often a now lost aspect to that child’s care. Rapid testing would allow intervention in these special circumstances. Surely this is more important than testing football teams as our mental health is seriously impacted from care without usual supports and person with special needs is being denied relationship with grandparents

Why the contribution is important

Mental health
Maintenance of important relationships
Ability to have some normality back as lack of routine has been so difficult (in our case profound autism)

by Glaurenlove on October 05, 2020 at 04:08PM

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Based on: 29 votes


  • Posted by TSmith64 October 05, 2020 at 18:56

    Rapid testing and quick results is essential. If people do not need to self isolate from work it will be a huge benefit to business and the economy not only to the individual but to those that have been in close contact with others
  • Posted by JaneM October 07, 2020 at 19:41

    Agree - Testing strategy needs to be improved and fully delivered.
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