Restrictions upon social life has a, disproportionate to the virus, negative effect on both mental health and the economy, as well as physical health.

Restrictions imposed should be ended, as this virus is only one of many, and to the majority is either nothing or extremely mild.

Non-symptomatic testing should cease as it is not feasible, nor humane, to lock healthy people up in their own homes. Testing should be reconsidered as the current strategy of using PCR to test for a virus is completely and utterly unscientific; also dead fragments of virus could be picked up which, although no cause for alarm of infection, count the person who has been tested as a “positive case”.

Despite calls for the old to be shielded, and though at first this seems morally correct, freedom of choice should be given as to whether they actually wish to be locked indoors or enjoy life, with a self-evaluated risk.

Why the contribution is important

These proposals are important as society is being derailed due to an incredibly disproportionate negative response to something that should not warrant this extreme a response. Society must be reopened fully with people being given back freedom of choice as to what risks they’re willing to take, with COVID being relatively low on the list of “things” people should be fearing.

by Jordan on October 06, 2020 at 05:42PM

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  • Posted by Macfarlanelyndsay October 06, 2020 at 21:42

    We are creating a risk averse instead of risk aware society. How will this impact future generations! Inventors, adventurers, entrepreneurs, scientists... the generations we need to keep the world turning will fear everything and everyone. It’s entirely disproportionate and it’s all about control it seems.
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