Retire at 60

With large-scale unemployment due to businesses closing down, there is concern that young people may be out of work for years to come. By reducing the retirement age to 60 for those who wish to retire, and providing a decent pension to allow this, jobs will become available for the younger generation. It would also correct the great injustice done to women who have discovered they can't now retire until 67. As over 60s are also more vulnerable to serious illness/death from Covid-19, this will also remove the worry and risk involved for those working in healthcare, etc.

Why the contribution is important

Allowing Scots to retire at 60 and providing a decent pension in order to help young people move into employment would help both ends of the workforce. Young people generally may take less time off work due to age-related illness so productivity would rise. Instead of supporting young people not to work, reward those who have worked all their lives with some well-deserved time off! This would also help the voluntary sector as people with a wealth of experience would be able to bring this to bear ... if the Scottish Government made a comfortable retirement affordable.

by SheilaB on October 05, 2020 at 09:25PM

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  • Posted by Impala67 October 05, 2020 at 22:30

    I think this is a fantastic idea, though not sure it’s within Scotland’s gift to grant while we remain shackled to the UK. Would be a great idea if possible to do this
  • Posted by Notoltn October 05, 2020 at 23:14

    The idea flies in the face of economics. Retire at 60? on What? A state pension? Where is the money to come from? The reason governments want immigration is to supply young workers to pay taxes to pay for current pensions. Retire 6 years early and pensions have to be paid for 6 years more.
  • Posted by LeiaAvra October 06, 2020 at 06:43

    Unfortunately I see their next step to increase the pension age that lowering it...
  • Posted by billybob October 06, 2020 at 07:57

    The cost of reversing the UK pension age change for women (to 60 from 65) was estimated at around £180bn.

    Throw in men and I imagine it easily reaches £250bn-£300bn.

    The Scottish Government doesn't have control over pensions but, even if it did, I don't think this would be the best use of money.

    I'm not sure the sales of pitch of giving the boomer generation a big wedge of money to "help the younger generation" would play out well either...
  • Posted by HardWorkPaysOff October 06, 2020 at 23:00

    Completely unrealistic suggestion. Scotland is already in deficit, spending far more than it earns.
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