Save the Festive Season

Stricter Lockdown end of November into first week in December. Allow hospitality (with measures in place) to reopen and movement for families around this time. Afterwards have a lockdown in January again and then check figures.

Why the contribution is important

It’s based on circuit breaker idea, allowing freer movement movement in December will help hospitality industry and small business and provide families and communities with a sense of normality thus hopefully improving mental health. January is generally quiet and a further circuit breaker to counteract the freedom of movement may help.

by Steele72 on October 11, 2020 at 12:57PM

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  • Posted by Scarty October 11, 2020 at 14:06

    I have spent many Christmases either alone or just with my daughter. If people can’t go one Christmas without seeing there family to protect us all, then I despair!
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