Schools, right to choose

I am a single mum to an 8 yr old. I am also a full time carer for an 84 yr old stroke victim, who has brain damage, paralysis and has carers in 4 times a day to lift and change.
I am terrified with my son being in school, no social distancing and the school gates at pick up time are a joke with the lack of space and people crammed together.
He may get it? He may suffer, he will then bring it home to me and the 84 yr old.
Who cares for my son and my 84 year old if I get it?
My son THRIVED during homeschool. I have work books and whiteboards. He learned so much and was relaxed and engaged.
Why not give parents the option to send their child to school or homeschool?
It will reduce class sizes, saving spread, and help families like ourselves the stress. I’ve been warned if my sons attendance drops below 80% steps will be taken. WHY?

Why the contribution is important

Because there are many families who care for older people and parents know their children best and we should be given the choice!

by Missdee13 on October 11, 2020 at 03:12PM

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  • Posted by EffectiveIdeas October 11, 2020 at 17:30

    Absolutely agree that parents should have the right to choose for as long as the pandemic continues. I am one of those who chooses full-time in-person schooling as my family experienced the negative effects of school closures since March and we don't want to be in that position again.

    My children are thriving in school now, and I am happy to work from home with zero contact with others to ensure this continues. I keep my kids at home if I suspect they are sick to ensure nothing spreads at school. So far, everything is going smoothly and I am not at all concerned about transmission from school.

    So how about we enable parents' choices? My children should stay in school without the threat of closures/blended learning and for families who want their kids at home there should be support/funding to enable them to manage this along with their work commitments for as long as needed.
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