
The rules make no sense and you are causing anxiety and stress to many young couples and business owners .
Public health matters we are all aware of this but how can you justify weddings are more of a risk than sitting in a restaurant with over 100 strangers.
Families protect each other and would do anything to safeguard the loved ones they care for.
I’m sure if you think it’s is alcohol which causes the problem as hugging happens as families become more affectionate towards each other at weddings.
Then have limited alcohol I’m sure many families would welcome a normal wedding with restrictions even though I believe you see more hugging outside pubs daily that are non family members .
No cutting of cake no music it’s all didn’t add up ‘’ No cutting cake ‘’ I struggle to understand this.
You are causing the next generation to vote you out at next election as they feel targeted and many are now on depression tablets and anxiety due to the forever changing of restrictions around weddings.
The sector are also just as important as any other sector , yet we have had no work since March and get told Scottish Government have no funds to help us .

Why the contribution is important

Weddings need to be revisited and more consideration to families , help all these young couples depression and mental health

by Paulineanne on October 08, 2020 at 05:52AM

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