Shielding for Vulnerable

If the vulnerable have to shield again it should be based on medical condition not the medication

Why the contribution is important

Medications can be used for many different things, for instance an epilepsy drug may be used for depression and not just epilepsy. Some people are on medication for a less severe medical condition while others with same condition may not take medication for it.
I myself was classed as high risk due to a lung condition but because i don't take medication unless i get a chest infection(apart from salbutomol inhaler? I didn't receive a shielding letter but got a phone call from gp saying to shield for 12 weeks, he explained it was based on medication and some people who have same condition as myself but milder received letters to shield when didn't need to, and people on other meds were shielding who didn't need to but people like myself were relying on gp's phoning us to say we are high risk and must shield. This should be changed so the right people are shielding

by Vonniew on October 05, 2020 at 05:37PM

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  • Posted by KBA80 October 05, 2020 at 18:43

    It should be based on disability, not medication, but I agree many people who should be shielding are not being included.
  • Posted by Tess37 October 05, 2020 at 21:56

    I disagree. Medication should be a consideration. What absolute nonsense that it should just be based on a disability. People are on these medications for a reason. I am on immunosuppressive medication. The reason why is not important. The illness is not life threatening but can and does affect me in many different ways. I cannot and will not come off my medication. However being on this medication leaves me as vulnerable and I have as might right to the safety of shielding as any other shielded person with a disability. Do you think I should not be looked after for this reason. Sometimes people can be so selfish.
  • Posted by vonfw October 06, 2020 at 16:55

    @Tess37 you've obviously misread my comment as if you are classed as vulnerable you would still be asked to shield. What i'm saying is there are people with medical conditions that make them high risk but due to not being on certain medications not asked to shield by letter. Then there are people who are not vulnerable on certain medications that were asked to shield when didn't need to. It was my gp that told me this when he had to phone me to tell me to shield. If you are classed as high risk you will still be high risk regardless of what medication you are on and it was only certain medications the govt were using to determine whether people should shield or not.
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