Shielding: what now?
We need clearer advice for people previously in the shielding category - particularly children. I understand the need to balance economics, mental wellbeing and health but as a parent I need genuine advice on risk to decide the best course of action for my child. We very much understand that children are less likely to catch the virus but for us, if she does catch it the consequence could be significant. For that reason we are currently shielding again on a voluntary basis until we can access accurate data on risk. With higher case numbers than March and a more rapid spread I cannot see how my vulnerable child can be safe in a primary school and in my view clarity is needed.
Why the contribution is important
Thousands of vulnerable people across the country will have the same concerns. Although we can obviously shield on a voluntary basis this leaves us in a difficult position at work as there we no longer have the protection which came with a Government instruction.
by Juneec on October 05, 2020 at 07:23PM
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