Smear tests

To reinstate women being able to access their smear test at their local doctors surgery. Mine is now over due and I just want to be able to have it done for peace of mind - more than happy to wear a face mask etc do whatever it takes to get it done.

I don't understand how I can get my routine appointment of getting my eyes tested at the opticians wearing a facemask but I can't get my routine and potentially life saving smear test done?

Why the contribution is important

It's important because not getting a smear done could potentially led in a worst case scenario to not catching cervical cancer early enough.

It's not putting pressure on hospitals to reinstate this, it's done by nurses at your local doctors surgery and would give women peace of mind.

by Silversparkles84 on October 06, 2020 at 08:30AM

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Based on: 14 votes


  • Posted by JoMacD October 06, 2020 at 09:33

    I’ve been able to get a smear at my GP, smears are open for business as far as I know.
  • Posted by concerned1 October 06, 2020 at 10:18

    Smear tests are important, I can't get mine until i have had a letter from local hospital Yet it is my gp that does the test. Gp surgery's are open but up to gp to what extent.
  • Posted by alanmacrae41 October 06, 2020 at 13:41

    My GP Surgery like Ft Knox. Not even close to operating fully. Outrageous that you should be put on the back burner for virus that has a fraction of the deaths of cancer!
  • Posted by smartlou October 11, 2020 at 16:45

    So important that smear tests begin again. What are staff doing now if not their usual jobs again?? Get on top of this people and start testing again.....
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